Town of Madison Planning Board

The Planning Board is authorized by State Statute to draft, review, and recommend ordinances and regulations and subsequent amendments; regulate the subdivision of land; review and approve site plans for development of land; review and approve excavation & reclamation plans; prepare and maintain a master plan for the town; and prepare a capital improvements program.

The board meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the downstairs meeting room of Town Hall. The order of business is to review new applications first, continued applications second, and then other planning board business.

Applications must be received the second Tuesday of each month by 12 noon to be placed on the public hearing notice for the subsequent month’s meeting.

Currently, all site plan and subdivision applications require a preliminary non-binding hearing prior to submission of a full application.

Application forms, with instructions, may be downloaded from the web site or obtained through the Selectmen’s Office.

The Land Use Administrator may be reached at 603-367-4332 x303 for help with procedural questions and information or by emailing the planning board at the above address.

The board consists of six elected members and one selectman serving as an ex-officio member. The board may appoint up to three alternate members.

See Applications tab to download the Planning Board application.
See Regulation tab for the following regulations/ordinances:

  • Zoning Ordinance
  • Subdivision Regulations
  • Site Plan Regulations
  • Excavation Regulations


  • Chairman Marc Ohlson
  • Vice-Chairman Paul Marks
  • Selectmen’s Rep.  Adam Price; Paul Littlefield; David Cribbie and Karl Nordlund


Public Hearings:


Land Use Administrator: Kate Young

2025 Meeting Schedule and Deadlines